Sunday, June 21, 2015

The MM: Chapter 1.2 (House for the Heir)

Welcome back to the Meddison Matriarchy! As I mentioned in the Intro, I'm happy to greedily use up the funds my heir spouses bring in. 

And since Brenden and Ilera got married, I used Brenden's money to build them this tiny abode. It's nicer than most of my founders can boast right after getting married. 
 I have a little obsession with grilled cheese in Sim games. So whenever my sims make them, I get a picture. Isn't Ilera cute in her PJs, making the only thing she's skilled enough to make?
 I'm kind of sad that she has to cheat on Brenden all the time. They are so super cute together. Here he is after dishwashing at work to just come sit and talk to her while she eats grilled cheeses. 
 And in this flattering picture we see....
"Um, could you get the fuck out, please?"
Oh yeah, sorry. But this is how we know you're pregnant now. Just get used to it-there are going to be a lot of toilet pics. 
 "Honey, I'm pregnant!" 
You can't see his face, but Brenden is totally happy. 
"Of course he is! We are going to have the prettiest kids." 
 Brenden's aspiration is to become the Professional Mixologist, or whatever it's called. I'm having him cook all the meals because at some point I know he's going to have to get high enough in his career to choose the Mixology branch. 
 Ilera is also trying to get into her aspiration. She wants to get it out of the way so that she can choose another one. 
"I should have been given the Soulmate aspiration, Creator."
Hindsight is 20-20. 
 But since you do have to have three first kisses (Brenden being #1), why don't you get your best friend Kylie over here to help?
 "We've been best friends now for a good four days now, Kylie. You were the first person I met after I came out of CAS. And, honestly, you're hot. Do you want to flirt and fool around a little?"
 Two down, one to go. 
 "I am getting bigger with my first baby, mirror. And I keep thinking, when am I going to be done with this aspiration? The end of my aspiration means at some point I will have eight boyfriends or girlfriends. That's a lot of cheating. I mean, usually I wouldn't care. But Brenden is awesome. And he's a great kisser." 
Hormones be raging. 
 Whenever Brenden is practicing on the home bar, mixing drinks, Ilera is not far behind. She likes to talk to him while she drinks beverages that we are assuming are non-alcoholic. 
 Awwwwwwwwwww. Also, are they usually this big in the third trimester? We might just see it more because of Ilea's shirt. I love that most items of clothing are maternity compatible. 
 Landgraab thought Ilera was pretty, and literally came up to her in the street to tell her so. 
"I guess this is a good opportunity to get my last kiss in for the second tier of the SR aspiration. Hi there, uh, cutie?"

Enjoying that, Landgraab?

 "Uh, so I'll see you around Ilera, right?"
*Laughs*"Sure, LG, sure." 
I think she kind of just used that guy because he was an easy target.....

It's time for the first baby of the legacy to be born!
 And it's a boy! That's right. Our first little kid cannot be heir. But boy is he cute. 
Everyone welcome Ilera and Brenden's first baby: Copper Meddison. 
 Copper's only chance of staying part of the story is to become the non-heir Chronicler. We'll see how cool he is. Look how cute Brenden is, holding him. 
"Ilera, we need a daughter. Shouldn't we...uh...not waste time?"
Good one, Brenden. It's actually a viable (*cough*) excuse. 
And with that, little munchkins, I end this section of Chapter 1. 

Happy Simming and Happy Reading!

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