Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Meddison Matriarchy: Chapter 1.6 (Bored Jersey Teens)

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay in updates. I am playing a new challenge (which I will also upload pictures for at some point), and kind of got caught up in it. But, no worries, Meddisons you are still my favorite. It's just gonna take me a little more love and time to get through your legacy. 

So for those of you who guessed that Brenden was the one who aged up in the last chapter you were both right......
 (poor guy's sad face from no bday cake)

......and wrong. What actually happened was that I was all excited to be celebrating the first teen grow-up in the legacy and completely didn't notice that Brenden had aged up too. 

Anyway, Copper's up into his teen years, looking fly, wearing that hair like it's in style. (Is it in style? I will only date scraggly-bearded guys who can dig holes and find their way out of the woods with just a pocketknife so I have no sense of men-style. Also, please apply in the comments section). 

Oh, right, where was I? Copper grew up. Cool. He still doesn't want to paint. Whatever. But he did roll the Mansion Baron aspiration (good luck) and the Clumsy trait. (Yeah, good putting that Art Lover trait to use.) With his aspiration comes the Business Savvy trait, which allows a sim to earn more money from his/her career. What are we gonna do with you, Copper?
"Make me heir?"

Copper might not understand the meaning of the word Matriarchy, but he certainly does like the ladies. I have to admit I am trying really hard not to call him a fat-cat. He looks and acts just like a mobster, even as a teen.
Meanwhile, I'm a little bit sad because Brenden is old.
"What a silver fox!"
Ilana doesn't seem so worried though.
I also think Kylie has picked up on Brenden's age. She keeps coming around to hang out and eat grilled cheese. P.S. Look at my girls, aren't they cute? Copper continues to be best friends with his sisters.
"Dad, the Creator says she's bored and just waiting around for us to do stuff."
"She's just busting your balls honey, just busting your balls."
Am I though?
Because even you guys can't stay awake.....
But, as boring as things may seem, I do have to admit how cute it is that the whole family likes to hang out with each other. They're always hugging and doing homework/watching TV together.
And now they can all play the computer together! That's right everyone, we can't afford a desk, we can't afford a new chair, but we sure can shell out the little cash we have for a 1991 Apple word processor that barely fits on the kitchen table.
Ilana's not interested, though. She's decided she's going for the Bodybuilder aspiration, so she heads to the gym in her hilarious workout outfit. If you wore that around where I live....someone would probably high-five you, who am I kidding. 
But hey she's gotta look good for all her chicks and men-folk!
Oh thank the Sim-gods the twins have grown up! This is Harper...
....and this is Celeste. Aren't they awesome? So since they grew into teens, I rolled a random die (aka random generator on the Internets) and Harper won heirship. I was kind of hoping she could be my chronicler, but Celeste will be an awesome one instead. I dressed her up like an artist.  (Thanks again CC makers!)
In fact, she's a natural, so I start building her skills up. 
It's so weird, now that the twins are teens, they actually like each other and spend a lot more time together. As kids, they completely ignored each other. Guess they just had to grow into their personalities a little more. By the way, Harper (who already had the Slob and Creatively Gifted traits) rolled Perfectionist trait and received the Quick Learner trait from the Renaissance Sim aspiration. Celeste (neat trait already) rolled the Materialistic trait and inherited the Gregarious trait from the Friend of the World aspiration. 
Ok, look, I'm into big girls, for real. I'm a bigger gal myself, but I've never used the Lean potion in the game before. So I thought, since my twins are a little heavier, let's see what happens. 
And it totally backfired. I mean, she is super hot (aren't all Sims/human metaphors), but I wish she had just a tiny more meat on her bones. Celeste doesn't seem too happy herself. 
"Where did my tits go?"
Yeah, girl, I know. Don't worry, though, you'll always be perfect to me. 
Lesson: Only use the lean potion if you want them to be super thin. 
It does get me to questioning about the potion that makes sims bigger.......

Until next time Simmers.