Welcome back! Sorry it's been so long since an update. I am going to brag openly and say I've been in Rome for a month, and so haven't been playing the game at all. But now that I'm back and I have some time off from work, I can get back to the thing that really matters: MY LEGACY.
Remember how the twins got crazy skinny with the potion? Well, I wanted to try the "enlargement" one too, and thought Copper was the perfect rotund Mafia-like sim for our little experiment.
And literally nothing happened. Does he...wait...does he look skinnier even? *Face/palm* I was expecting a blob with a deep voice, and maybe even some facial hair (which I would have strategically placed on him in Plan Outfit). But, no, he's the same ol' Copper. No offense, buddy.
"None taken. *clears throat, voice deepens and gruffs* If the pot is boiling over, use a long spoon; if the house is on fire, warm yourself."
Um....Did you just quote the Italian mafia at me?
"Haha, no, no. Why would I ever do that?"
While our little (well, you know) mobster is practicing his voice, I take you over to the twins, who have just become best friends. And it looks like Celeste has painted Harper's picture to put on the heir wall.
"Love you Sis."
"You two, Sis."
It's hard for me to tell them apart sometimes, even with their different outfits."
I'm also trying to fatten them up a little again. Celeste loves grilled cheese and it's flashing me back to Sims 2.
Harper is eating what looks like red shit on white shit on a cracker.
"It's very fancy."
And then the most undignified thing ever happens. Brenden, the sim we have all come to adore, dies in the bathroom in a pile of broken plumbing parts.
"Death is undignified anywhere it takes place. You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper."
What's with all the out-of-context quoting in this episode?
"Yes, we get it. You're clever. But now I take this Sim! And NO, you can't have your Generation 2 heir try and reproduce with me!" *Disappears in a thunderclap*
Of course, everyone is devastated. Especially the kids. This is actually one of the first times in the Sims 4 where my sims have reacted to death so badly.
But then...

Copper gets down to business.
"Family business, Creator. Family business. So, dearest sisters, I am now the head of the family. And what does that mean? It means we talk about when we grow up. Look, I can't be the heir, I understand that. But you scratch my back, I scratch yours."
"Dude, we know you want to be in the mob. But Harper's the Gen 2 heir. We love you, but you're acting insane. We're almost Young Adults, and when we become them, you should find yourself a nice girl and move out."
"That's fair, dearest sister. Just remember, family first."
I love that these three hang out together all the time. Such cute little weasels.
And, yes, I should mention that our founder, Ilera, was sad about Brenden. But, she's finding solace in other places.
And by focusing on hobbies.
"Kylie, my love, I know you've been waiting for my husband to kick it ever since this legacy started. And we've been best friends for a long time now. I see you are highlighted with the Creator's pointer, which can only mean one thing..."
"Let's get on the porch and engaged. What do you say?"
So, I thought it would be nice of Ilera to fulfill Kylie's big want to become her wife. Brendan wouldn't mind; he was a sweetheart like that.
"Yeah, I'm cool with it."
I should say that every night until the end of the legacy probably, Brenden's ghost will be around. He cheers everybody up almost immediately. His daughters were so happy to see him (even though one has to pee badly and the other one is covered in grime).
And on the other side Celeste is thinking.
"Damn Mom, get it!"
Awww, she's not upset. Just wants Ilera to be happy.
Kylie and Ilera elope in the bedroom. Might be foreshadowing...
....because Kylie gets pregnant!
Uh, why is Bella in her nightie next to you?
"Oh...things might have gotten a little out of hand last night...*wink wink*"
Ok, well, that interaction doesn't exist, so.
That's right, big changes in this household! Kylie is pregnant, moved into the house, and it also turns out that she's athletic. She autonomously runs all day long.
Copper is ignoring the whole Kylie situation, and still thinks it's his job to take care of the family. So he's out there collecting stuff.
Until he grows into a Young Adult!
He rolls the Self-Assured trait, just like his mom.
"Isn't my pregnant wife cute?"
Uh, which one?
"Wow, Bella, you look so great!"
"Remember that *ahem* romp we had when you got married? Turns out there was a Try For Baby option there."
Looks like we are going to have two more non-heir babies around. One of them is going to be a Goth! I'll just tell you right now that Bella ends up having a girl named Maegan. We don't really see her again until she's older.
"It turns out that I knocked up two women right after you died, our kids are good, and I'm hoping you keep visiting every night because I miss you."
"I miss you too, snookums. I'm glad you are having more kids. You were such a good mom."
Speaking of which, a very sick and very uncomfortable Kylie goes into labor.
Harper is unimpressed.
"Well, I'm the heir so....who cares?"
Don't you like babies?
"Not until they're mine."
And it's a boy! Kylie and Ilera are now proud mothers of Raylan.
Copper hits it off with Raylan.
"Family matters, Raylan. Family matters."
See yah with a new episode soon. We are almost to Chapter 2.
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